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The Importance Of Learning Plans And Competency Frameworks In Care

The importance of Learning plans and Competency Frameworks in Care

A question care providers often get asked is how can you be sure that your staff have the necessary skills required to carry out their work effectively? I am sure that many of you will point to your up to date training matrix and/or staff/ client feedback surveys to help answer this question but this will not be sufficient for most regulators, especially if you are seeking a good or outstanding rating.

What regulators really want to know is what checks do you have in place to enable you to evidence how the knowledge staff have gained from completing training courses has been applied to their day to day working practices. It is important to ensure that your care management system has integrated learning plans and competency frameworks to ensure you can easily evidence how staff meet the standards required when measuring the quality of your care service delivery.


To understand competencies, it is important to define the various components of competencies. These components are a combination of observable and measurable knowledge, skills, characteristics and ability to carry out a role or task. Competencies contribute to enhanced employee performance and ultimately result in organisational success. They focus on how results are achieved rather than merely the end result.

Once you have oversight in this area and are measuring and tracking your staffs competencies you are well on your way to successfully measuring quality in care. Competencies focus on an organisation’s culture and values which is actually the cornerstone of outstanding care provision.


With the help of competency-based evidencing and learning plans, you can measure the success of the learning process, participation and ability of staff to work effectively across your care service. Care Consort issues badges and certificates once staff have met thier competencies and allows you to monitor a history of changes and accomplishments within the staff members career path.


A learning plan on the other hand is a description of how you intend to achieve your desired outcomes in learning (the acquisition of knowledge or skills through study, experience, or being taught). A learning plan can be broken down into a set of ‘learning goals’ that the person (or organisation) hopes to achieve within a specific period of time. It is often useful to divide larger goals into more manageable sub-goals that can be realized within weeks or months.

An employee needs to have a previously set up learning plan when they start work or put in place during supervisions. This is designed to take them into a path that will finally lead them to comply with the abilities needed in a job position such as a support worker or care manager role. A competency-based care management system like Care Consort is a great ally to achieve these purposes.

These solutions can help you effectively organise a system of development for workers. Competencies need training requirements to have success. These requirements can be composed of tasks assigned to a specific role, training courses or any kind of activities compiled in the learning plans. The learning plan can be very helpful in showing clarity and progress in your staff members’ learning. It also can ensure that your staff  learning activities will be very efficient and orderly.

These features are designed to increase and foster the professional growth of employees. They help to define and manage the competencies of each staff member or work team. The main goal of competency based learning is to demonstrate skills in any particular area before passing on to the next step of their training and development.

The learning plans on Care Consort allow you to take from our different integrated online care courses to build pathways for your staff. The manager needs to identify the weak points of the staff member in the learning process and based on that, define the plan to follow and set goals.

With more sophisticated systems  you can create a learning plan template which also include evidence of prior learning (see You can also create learning plans for general purposes or personalise them according to a special training need in order to achieve specific competencies or deal with a particular service user need.

With the help of frameworks and the creation of learning plans, competency-based learning can help to:

  • Define specific competency models for each staff role.
  • Define training needs.
  • Set prerequisites for training activities.
  • Helps to specify which courses are defined as general and ones which are specialist.
  • The individualised competency model allows each staff member to obtain his/her desired competencies.


Care Consort features a complete competency-based program that will help you to effectively organise a system of personnel development and evaluate the competencies of your employees. It can help define and manage the competencies for each role, employee or work team. Besides, it provides a consistent framework, that incorporates the regulations required by the CQC, OFSTED or any other regulatory board.

Our focus on competency-based learning for care providers is to give you the right tools for performance evaluation and the performance tracking of your workforce.

With Care Consort you can add as many competencies as you want, take content from the various  integrated 70+ care courses in order to build a specific learning plan, create learning plans for each role assigned on your team and make sure the process leads to evidence based success.

If you would like to know more about learning plans and competency frameworks using Care Consort please email me at

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Care Consort is the winner of the 2019 Best Care Management Software – England (Global Healthcare & Pharmaceutical Awards).


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“Great simplicity, and a really nice design” – NATIONAL CHARITY

“I’m very pleased with the new Care Certificate course” – NHS HOSPITAL, HAMPSHIRE

“Super impressed with the COSHH eLearning, which even included up-to-date, real-life incidents!” – REGISTERED MANAGER, LEADING NW CARE PROVIDER

“The on boarding team have been excellent and have delivered an amazing care management, auditing and training solution. A very comprehensive package and as an ex CQC officer I am confident I now have the best solution to manage my supported living homes, domiciliary care agency and care home.” – REGISTERED MANAGER, MULTI SITE OPERATOR

“With this system you should be able to get outstanding” – SKILLS FOR CARE

“Great all in one care management solution, no more logging in and out of different software to manage medication, scheduling, HR, staff training and care” – MANAGER, SUPPORTED LIVING HOME

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